We are podbase

We help you create custom prints and get them delivered in a jiffy. No need for inventory, costly investments, or storage space. Create and import custom products to your e-commerce store in minutes, while we handle the product printing and shipping!

Been there, done that, succeeded

Before Podbase, there was Burga.com: one of our e-commerce stores of customized, premium-quality phone cases. We know what it takes to deliver a great printing and shipping experience. With our API integration all printed products WILL reach your customers. You’re not paying for “maybe.” You’re paying for yes, definitely.

Stores and users using Podbase
Sold In By Customers
Fulfilled Orders

Why us?

We’re The DIY Pros

We control everything – from production to packaging to shipping. No weird third-party companies handling your stuff. Just us – guaranteeing quality and full dedication to your products.

We Run a Tight Shipping System

All orders are shipped within 24 hours. That’s it. Period.

Podbase + Your Store = Meant-To-Be.

Use our advanced API to seamlessly integrate Podbase with your store. Create and import custom products in seconds, not days. #YesPlease!

Let's grow your business together!